Web development work flow tools

Written by
Eric Ellenbrook
November 13, 2014

Like any web developer, I find that I have a handful of tools that I use on a regular basis. Without those tools, I would go insane. The idea of having a work flow that doesn't incorporate these items is not a pleasing thought to say the least.

These tools are just some of the work flow tools that I find helpful in my day to day life. I believe that if you incorporate at least some of them into your work flow it will speed things up and help you out. I'll update this list as time goes on and I find new fun and exciting work flow tools.

Work Flow Tools

Once you go Sass you never go...back? The point is that there's no other way to write CSS. If you're not writing Sass you're crazy. Write Sass.


I like Codekit because it compiles, minifies, and does a whole lot of other things for a variety of languages. I wrote a blog post about it.


A fast and easy way to toss some dummy text into your pages. No need to open a new tab anymore, folks! I like Loremify.

Sublime Text 2

Sublime Text 2 does everything I need it to do and more. It has incredible extendibility. I am still learning about its features. I am one with Sublime Text 2.


I mostly use Emmet for writing annoying HTML. If you type nav.main-navigation>ul>li(a[href="#"]{nav item})*4 you'll be given a navigation element with ul and four list items that have anchor tags already inside of them. I'll save Emmet for another blog post. It makes pesky HTML snippets much more manageable.

Organizational Tools


An organization tool—No, the organization tool that keeps me on task for whatever project I'm working on.


My work is anywhere I want it to be with Dropbox. It's the best. Shameless Dropbox referral link.


Shop Talk Show

A podcast with Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert. They talk all things front end. It's a great Podcast and if you're lucky, Dave will be extra creepy by answering questions with Halloween music and a spooky voice.

Joe Rogan Experience

Long form interviews with a wide array of people ranging from scientists, intellectuals, and MMA fighters. It can be quite motivational at times. Only listen if you've got hours to commit to a podcast.

The Big Web Show

Jeffery Zeldman. Need I say more? The podcast ranges from new modern ideas to web ideas reminiscent of the past. When Jeffery Zeldman talks, you listen.

The Fighter and the Kid

Bryan Callen and MMA fighter Brendan Schaub talking MMA and being hilarious. One of my favorite podcasts for comic relief.